Master of Laws, Georgetown University Law School (LL.M. Common Law Studies) (1998)
University Degree Bachelor of Laws, University of Ljubljana Law School (1995)
Professional Experience:
Law Firm Špec o.p. d.o.o.: Principal and Attorney at Law, March 2015 to present
Boštjan Špec Law Office: Attorney at Law, February 2015 - March 2015
Law Office Jadek & Pensa: Attorney at Law, December 2014 – January 2015
Law Office Jadek & Pensa: Partner, December 2001 – December 2014
Law Office Jadek & Pensa: Associate, May 2000 – December 2001
Higher Court of Ljubljana: Trainee, January 1999 – January 2000
Seward & Kissel, Law Office, New York, US: Trainee, July 1998 – September 1998
Ljubljana Stock Exchange: Trainee and Counsel, January 1996 – July 1997
Slovenian, English, German, Croatian, Serbian, French
Membership and Other Duties:
Slovenian Bar Association (since 2001)
Recent Lectures Given:
Slovenian Arbitration Conference 2014 organized by The Ljubljana Arbitration Centre at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (LAC): Arbitration Opportunities in Financial Disputes
Slovenian Arbitration Conference 2013 organized by The Ljubljana Arbitration Centre at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (LAC): Arbitration in Corporate and Financial Disputes
Main Publications:
International Arbitration, 1st Edition, Global Legal Insights Series, April 2015, published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London, contributing the chapter on Slovenia;
International Financial Markets Guide, LexisNexis UK Butterworths 2004, Edited by Barnabas Reynolds, co-author of the survey on Slovenia
Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation, Volume 19, Issue 11, p. N-112, Slovenia Implements EU Directive on Financial Collateral
Professional and Educational Regulation of Attorneys Proffession in Slovenia (part of: Anwaltsrecht in EU Beitrittsländern), Vienna 2003, Manzsche Verlags und Universitätbuchhandlung, issuer Dr. Dieter Kolonovits, M.C.J
Legal Framework of the Securities Market in Slovenia, The Parker School Journal of East European Law, Columbia University, 1999, Vol. 6, No. 1
Insider Dealing; Poslovanje na podlagi notranjih informacij, Gospodarski vestnik, Ljubljana, October 1996, 219 pages